GES Coirbeds are made out of 100% natural coirfibreand woven coir netting with required mesh size. The cleaned and sorted Coir fibre is sandwiched between two layers of tightly woven Coir mesh mattings to form a bed.
Technical Specification
The thickness of the bed variesfrom 75 mm to 125 mm and the density varies from 0.01Kgs per Cubic Meter to 0.03 Kgs per Cubic Meter.It can be produced in different width and length according to customer requirements. However Maximum width is limited to 2M and maximum length 20 M.
Relatively steep stream banks can be 0.01 Kgs per Cubic meter to .03 Kgs per Cubic Meter. In certain cases it comes with a fabric wrap made of jute. It can be offered as pre-seeded.
Loadability in 40′ high cube container | 240pcs |
The beds are used for controlling sediment from the storm water and as check dams in the streams.It is also used in hydro phonic agriculture and are available with slots and coco peats.
GES Coir Wattle is made of Inner core of Double cleaned unsorted coconut fiber encapsulatedina outer netting of high strength coir with knotted junctions.Outer netting has a rhombic shaped mesh opening of 2”x2” . It is available in Standard sizes 6” dia 10 Ft length and 9” dia 20ft length.
Technical Specifications:
Property | GES Coir Wattle 6 | GES CoirWattle9 |
Diameter | 15.3 cm | 22.9 cm |
Weight per foot | 0.68 kg | 1.36 kg |
GES Coir Wattle 6 | GES CoirWattle9 | |
Loadability in 40′ high cube container | 800 pcs |
400pcs |
- Storm drain inlet protection
- Check structure in swales and water ways
- Forest fire rehabilitation
- Storm water and construction run-off pollution control
- Vineyard erosion control
- Landscape edging
- Alternate to silt fence for perimeter sediment control
Perimeter controls intercept sheet flow from slopes and remove sediment and other contaminants through ponding, settling, and physical filtration, effectively preventing contaminants from leaving the site and entering surface waters. Concentrated flows within the site typically require treatment via source controls, sediment traps, settling ponds, or other methods prior to reaching the site perimeter. Ditch check dams are also used for small concentrated flows.
Silt fences and ditch checks such as Coir fibre rolls/ Bio rolls are the most commonly used methods of perimeter control.
In most applications, treatment occurs at or along the perimeter control device, e.g., silt fence or fiber log. Perimeter controls are generally recognized as the last line of defense in a system of erosion prevention and sediment control, and are usually placed near the downgradient borders of disturbed areas and soil stockpiles. They are also used to separate work zones from adjacent waterbodies.
Technical Specification
Thickness | 1cm | A T M D 5 1 9 9 |
Mass per unit area | 1250 gms/sq.m | A S T M D 5 2 6 1 |
Wide Width Tensile Strength, (kN/m) – | ASTM D:4595:2017 | |
Machine Direction | 36.6 | |
Cross Machine Direction | 13.8 | |
Max. Elongation, (%) – Machine Direction | 32% | |
Cross Machine Direction | 22% | |
Permittiity | 2.72 /s e c | ASTM D 4491 |
Pemaiability | 2.69 c m /s e c | ASTM D 4491 |
F lo w R a te | 8.3 c u .m /m in /s q .m | ASTM D 4491 |
- To contain windblown snow
- Strong drain inlet protection
- Matting for walkways
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